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roof installerNorCo Roofing is a DBA of One Way Project Management. One Way is located in Greeley, Co and is a 1-stop shop for real estate. The company was founded by Seth Bunting, Jordan Beck and Steffen Bunting in 2014. The three have been partners in real estate investment from as far back as 2008. Much knowledge and experience was gained during therecession. They specialized in ''fix and flips'', buying foreclosures, remodeling them and lease optioning them to sell within 18 months. Within a down turned market it is imperative to find ways to save money to make the deal worth it. This is the same value they hold to now.?Roofing was always one of the most expensive parts of a project. Well, ''If you can't beat them, join them''. The three started a construction company and a property management company, now offering the services they had been performing for themselves to the general public. They truly desire to build companies that will uplift the surrounding community and deliver a superior service to folks in NOCO. Their understanding of all around construction gives them an edge when faced with difficult issues be it roofing, drainage or leaking. They currently remodel existing homes, build new homes and perform maintenance on a diverse portfolio ofproperties. It is important to have an extensive knowledge of construction when dealing with roofing. They have had to use their experience to help troubleshoot a plethora of tricky roofing issues.
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