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Pakistan Pakistan
Gensoftgroup Icon
Gensoftgroup a specialist software outsourcing and offshore development company . Our offshore outsourcing services are aimed at software development companies and web development companies across the wor
923332624940 | View ProfileHyderabad, Sindh Pakistan
Sub KhareedloSponsor
Sub Khareedlo Icon
Sub Khareedlo is an Online store in pakistan. Deals in Pakistan Super League T-Shirts, Jewellery Sets, Ladies Night Suits, Casual Shirts and Winter Collection.
03134932938 | View ProfileKarachi, Sindh Pakistan
Topseo Icon
TopSEO believes that a website is much more than a cluster of well-developed designs and content. Without proper implementation of digital marketing strategies, no design is ever successful in giving you the desired results. Choosing the right digital marketing agency for virtual marketing of your business is the key to lead the brand race on social media.
+92 42 3578 6353 | View Profilekarachi, sindh Pakistan
Acom SolutionsSponsor
Acom Solutions Icon
Acom Solutions is a Online Store in Pakistan, We are specialized in Sales and Service of Printers & Fax machines, also associated with HP, Dell, Acer,Fujitsu, Panasonic, APC, Mercury, Intel, Samsung, Philips, Canon, Epson, Sony, Seagate companies
+923041116664 | View ProfileLahore, Punjab Pakistan
Popsout Icon
We deal in Wide variety of laptop accessories, computer products and mobile accessories Popsout deals in all areas of laptop spare parts and ships worldwide.
View ProfileRawalpindi, Punjab Pakistan
Image computerSponsor
image computer Icon
Dell 5379 - Core i 5 QuadCore 8th Generation 8GBRam 1TBHard Drive 13.3'' Full HD IPS Convertible Touchscreen Win 10 Backlit Keyboard (Factory Refurbished)
View Profilehyderabad, pakistan Pakistan
xcash Icon
Bitcoin to bank account is different it has a separate parallel currency that was created out by the cryptocurrency. Recent history is full of example who tried to build up alternative currencies but frankly, they never end well. Bitcoin never created by millions dollar its just form by nothing. It just has an intangible value. The payment of bitcoin only takes place anonymously on the internet. The buying and selling of cryptocurrency now become very popular in the world. There are about 6.8 millions of bitcoin circulation right now. Consumers are using bitcoin in the shopping, purchasing pieces of machinery, bitcoin to bank account and services and there are also some restaurants that accept bitcoins.
03135331236 | View Profilelahore, punjab Pakistan
Fattani ComputersSponsor
Fattani Computers Icon
5 Common Cash Flow problem to avoid in your startupJack Welch said “If I had to run a company on three measures, those measures would be customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and cash flow.”Poor cash flow is one of the reason why one out of four businesses fail.According to accounting definition, cash flow is the difference in amount of cash available at the beginning of the period available and at the end of period. It’s negative if closing balance is not higher than opening balance, else positive. The statement of cash flow is pillar of your company. Cash inflow states money used by company and cash outflow states where company spends money.Cash flow is unlike net income, cash flow is amount of money left in your company’s account after repaying debt and lease obligations. Unlike net-income which eliminates non cash item. Books aren’t organized Unorganized book keeping is fatal for your startup. Some people don’t understand how important book keeping is until trouble times come. Don’t ever put books aside and always try to put on top of your priority list and do maintain your accounting system and keep it up to date. You can also use financial apps. Bad DebtsBad debts are amount that cannot be recovered. One must be careful of proper credit control system to avoid bad debts. They can be very harmful for your business. If your company is good at book keeping record then proper credit control system can be very straight forward. Profit Issues What l
+922132276755 | View ProfileKarachi, Sindh Pakistan
Gadget MeniaSponsor
Gadget Menia Icon
Welcome to Gadget Menia.Buy Electronic Gadgets Spy Camera Smartwatch Wireless Keyboard,Mouse,charger e.t.c Only On gadgetmenia .com
03094357379 | View ProfileLahore, Punjab 54760, Punjab Pakistan
hpcompany Icon
We sale a hp products online in pakistan
+923313306376 | View Profilekarachi, Sisdh Pakistan
Beast Laptops Products Review With GuidesSponsor
Beast Laptops Products Review With Guides Icon
Beast Laptops reviews, buying guides, deals and benchmarks for the latest laptops, takes you with new products and helps you save time with smart tips.
View ProfileIslamabad, Punjab Pakistan
ITTechZ Icon
Jennifer Lopez is a digital marketing manager who handle the content strategy or organic traffic of ittechz.
View ProfileLahore, Select one or none Pakistan
bashiiii Icon
we sell best laptops
View Profilelahore, punjab Pakistan
ACOM DistributorsSponsor
ACOM Distributors Icon
Your one stop shop for all things Computers ranging from Laptops, Printers, Monitors & more at affordable prices in Pakistan.We at Acom provides affordable Laptop Prices in Pakistan for all kinds of brands ranging from HP, Dell, Acer and others in Lahore, KarachiShop # 55, First Floor, Hafeez Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulbreg III? Block E 1 Gulberg III, Lahore, [email protected]:// prices in PakistanPrinter prices in PakistanHp laptop price in Pakistan
0304-1116664 | View ProfileLahore, Punjab Pakistan
Laptopmat Icon
laptopmat products and reviews
View ProfileIslamabad, Pakistan
Digital marketingSponsor
digital marketing Icon
Smm Panel With #1 Services | GOTOSMMPANEL.COMSMM Panel is play important part in social media marketing strategy. It guide businesses by managing the social media accounts of their business. With Smm Panel customizable offers, it can make your smm platforms more organic and increase ROI. The Smm panel offers services in quick and presented manner and can help you in online brand
03034567988 | View Profilefaislabad, punjab Pakistan
Global ComputersSponsor
Global Computers Icon
Global Computers is keen on bringing you with the latest technology, right at your doorsteps. Global Computers have Pakistan's biggest brands of computers, laptops, graphic cards, speakers, and much more.
0345-1330443 | View ProfileKarachi, Sindh Pakistan
Computer Aid InternationalSponsor
Computer Aid International Icon
Since Computer Aid’s founding in 1997, we have brought access to technology to over 14.5 million people. We want to build a world where everyone has access to technology.Empowering the developing world by implementing technology, providing access, education, and supporting environmentally responsible solutions.Our StorySince 1997 we have helped over 14.5 million people worldwide. We have provided over 260,000 computers in over 100 countries, enabling over 1 billion hours of learning.We believe that technology has become a necessity for education because it creates a better learning environment. Computers allow easy communication and access to educational resources. Today Computer Aid is one of the leading ICT4D organizations in the world.We make this happen byProviding access to low-cost computers and software for non-profit organisationsTraining teachers in ICT skills to improve their confidence when teachingMonitoring and evaluating our projects with impact-based reportingPlacing our projects in areas where they will have the biggest impactOffering a secure IT disposal service to help companies tackle eWasteRecycling electronic waste at the end of its usable lifeIn the UK and Europe, we work with organisations to reuse their computers and accessories. We give ICT equipment a second life through our partners and projects around the world. By offering a secure IT disposal service we can help companies to ethically dispose of their spare tech
2083615540 | View ProfileLondon, London Pakistan
Electronic Metal Cash DrawerSponsor
Electronic Metal Cash Drawer Icon
TECH STORE was established back in 2014 with the mission to serve the growing demand for business automation solutions for local industries.
03214886801 | View ProfileLahore, Punjab Pakistan
DotCom Icon
DotCom is the best reliable store to buy Gaming Laptops, Notebooks, Desktops, Mobile phone accessories along with their updated prices in Pakistan
0321-8437100 | View ProfileLahore, Pakistan
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