AirconomicsSponsor |
Airconomics is one of the most experienced consulting and training companies in the aviation industry. As a German aviation consulting and training company, we have an excellent understanding of the European (EASA) and US-American (FAA) requirements for the aviation business. |
+49-2942-9857700 | View ProfileGeseke, Germany |
DieWerkplaner | Daniel Schmidts - Architektenbüro FrankfurtSponsor |
Herzlich Willkommen beim Architekturbüro dieWerkplaner in Frankfurt unter der Leitung vonArchitekt Daniel Schmidts! Wir stehen für klare Architektur und effiziente Bauplanung.Unsere Leistungen: Architektur, Beratung, Projektentwicklung, Bauleitung, Gutachten.Als Architekturbüro möchten wir Sie umfassend beraten können. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnenunterschiedliche Dienstleistungen aus allen Bereichen rund um die Themen Renovierung,Sanierung, Umbau oder Neubau an. Hierbei ist für uns die Größe Ihrer Aufgabe nicht maßgebend,sondern dass Sie als unser Bauherr zufrieden sind mit unseren Leistungen und dem Ergebnis.Für einen Termin rufen Sie uns an. Wir sind für Sie da. Ihr Team vom Architektenbüro dieWerkplaner für Sie in Frankfurt |
069 24754930 | View ProfileFrankfurt am Main, Hessen Germany |
NaipoSponsor |
NAIPO entwickelt als aus Hamburg stammende Marke modernste Massagesessel und Massagegeräte, welche weltweit vertrieben werden. Dazu gehören u.a. Nackenmassagegeräte, Massagekissen und Massagepistolen. Die beiden Hauptstandorte sind Hamburg und Shenzhen. 2020 hat NAIPO einen IF Design Award und 2021 einen Plus X Award für die Pasithea-Series gewonnen. |
+49 40 88369018 | View ProfileHamburg, Hamburg Germany |
HandyhuelleberlinSponsor |
Making a custom phone case is a great way to personalize your phone and make it just how you want it. You can use your favorite colors, add a photo of you or your family, or just create a fun design. There are no limits when designing a cell phone case |
7845784545 | View ProfileBerlin, Berlin Germany |
AzartajcoSponsor |
Azartajco A Dried Fruits Manufacturer & SupplierBest Range Of Dried FruitsToday, a major development has been announced by Shayesteh Behdis Ariafar Company, commonly known as Azar Taj. The company is Iran's largest producer of dried fruit, with over a decade of experience in the healthy food industry.Azar Taj has stated that it is expanding its operations to include import and export of products, such as fruits, nuts, and dried products. The company has already exported to countries such as Spain, Poland, Russia, Armenia, Turkey, the Emirates, Iraq, Canada, Qatar, and Japan, while importing from countries such as Thailand, Pakistan, Armenia, and Turkey.The company is located in Tehran and boasts a 3000m site, two production salons with a daily production capacity of 5 tons, and a cold storage with 500-ton capacity, including two areas with temperatures below and above zero. The site also includes a high-tech lab. In addition, the company employs 50 full-time workers, 20 half-time workers, 10 warehouse staff, and 15 administrative, marketing, and customer support staff.Azar Taj is also dedicated to producing organic dried fruits, which are free from sugar and other additives that could be harmful to one's health. Moreover, the company is committed to working with local gardeners, as this allows them to access the best and highest-quality primary resources. Furthermore, the company uses high-tech drying techniques in their production line to prove their co |
View Profileberlin, Germany |
Truck1 DeutschlandSponsor |
Eine komplette Auswahl an Maschinen - von schweren bis hin zu leichten Nutzfahrzeugen sowie Spezialgeräten - steht bei Truck1 Deutschland zum Verkauf. |
+493644611212 | View ProfileBerlin, Germany |
RomakcompanySponsor |
romakcompanyRomanRomak CoRomak - Romak company in the field of designing and implementing all kinds of wall cupboards, kitchen cabinets, wall cupboards and all kinds of wooden doors.Designing and customizing all kinds of wooden products such as kitchen cabinets and wardrobes, all kinds of bedroom doors, entrance doors and lobby doors, cornices, wall coverings, etc. in new styles with luxury design.The creator of your dreams with a different and special lookRomak is a manufacturer of luxury wooden products such as kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, doors, cornices, etc. Romak showroom in Tehran is a permanent exhibition of new and popular products and Romak factory in Jajrud is equipped with up-to-date technology and machines. With the slogan that ''wood is gold'', we always provide the best materials from sustainable sources, because we believe that green forests belong to the future generation.History of RomakRomak company has a brilliant experience and track record in the production of all wood and wood veneer doors, cabinets and closets. Having a factory equipped with machines conforming to international standards, using quality materials, expert manpower, benefiting from two floors of permanent showroom, customization and regular scheduling and planning are among the prominent features of Romak company in order to obtain It is customer satisfaction.Products Entrance and lobby doors in classic, neoclassical and modern styles Room doors in |
View Profileberlin, Germany |
KetoXplodeSponsor |
KetoXplode ist eine Verbesserung, die Käufern hilft, Pfunde zu verlieren, indem sie ihren Körper in einen ketogenen Zustand versetzt. Das Heilmittel wird in diesem Moment nur über die Autoritätsseite präsentiert. |
4589632569 | View ProfileBerlin, Germany |
DelonghiirSponsor |
delonghiDeLonghi agencyDeLonghi productsdelonghi | DeLonghi agency The official site of DeLonghi productsDeLonghi ? Official website of DeLonghi agency, DeLonghi espresso maker, DeLonghi coffee maker, DeLonghi dealer. Sale of all DeLonghi products with warranty and after-sales service.De'LonghiDeLonghi representative in IranThe only official representative of Delonghi in Iran, Delonghi is the largest producer of espresso machines and coffee machines, and you can buy Delonghi products with a 12-month warranty of Delonghi service and after-sales service.DeLonghi espresso makerDelonghi fully automatic and semi-automatic espresso machines allow you to prepare your espresso in the shortest possible time and with the highest possible quality. DeLonghi is the largest coffee maker in the world.Delungi coffee makerVarious models of DeLonghi coffee makers are famous and popular all over the world. Because DeLonghi offers well-made and high-quality espresso machines for every taste, condition and every place.Buy DeLonghi with DeLonghi Service Guarantee!Get DeLonghi products with a 12-month DeLonghi warranty, worry-free service.Periodic service (every 4 months), so you can safely place an order and benefit from the long service.Nespresso capsuleYou can easily get all kinds of tasty and attractive original Nespresso capsules from DeLonghi agency with a guarantee of originality and expiration date.Accessories of DeLonghi products |
View Profileberlin, berlin Germany |
KochsahneSponsor |
Kochsahne, ein vielseitiges und genussvolles Molkereiprodukt, ist zu einem Grundnahrungsmittel in Küchen auf der ganzen Welt geworden und bereichert eine Vielzahl von Gerichten mit seiner geschmeidigen Textur und seinem reichen Geschmacksprofil |
View ProfileSylt, Germany |