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We, the organizers of PT firstly started to use folklore, folk sports, folk behavior / human behavior, folk joking etc. partly to increase basic quality and secondly, we stepped forward to form a complete public oriented Folk based theater & we began to play it bravely. And we found that people from all walks of lives are more interested & eager now than before because they had found the theater consists of their own local culture, story and language besides, their cultural morality is also been up holed in it. Later, to make more interested, active and participant, we began to talk to the audience after the show about the local & national problems played in the theater. We asked many questions to open their mouths. And we were succeeded as many audiences argued and supported the theme of the PT and shared to exchange of views widely. The response of the audience inspired us to run further. After 2000, we got an idea from “Forum Theater” of Sir Augusto Boal, the famous thinker & theaterist about interaction with the audience after the show to make the message of the drama more clear & acceptable. And from 2003-2004, we were able to invent a complete IPT and started to exercise properly. |
01912835363 | View Profiledhaka, dhaka Bangladesh |