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Olympic Flame Austria
AIM SoftwareSponsor
AIM Software Icon
AIM Software was founded in 1999 as a provider of risk management software solutions.It soon became clear to us, however, that any risk management solution is only as good as the reference data used to produce information and make business decisions.For this reason, we now focus on providing both risk and reference data management solutions as part of an integrated package.AIM has now grown into one of the largest international software providers in our category, with over 400 projects successfully deployed around the world as of today with offices in Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and the UK.AIM Software is an active practitioner of agile / Scrum methodologies and a certified Microsoft Gold Partner.
00435124652 | View ProfileVienna, Vienna Austria
ShiftBase Icon
Die Online Software, mit der ein Dienstplan erstellen und Zeiten erfassen zum Kinderspiel wird.
+49 (0)3222-1850156 | View Profilewien, Austria
Orderlyze Icon
Dein mobiles Kassensystem. Kassieren - Verwalten - Analysieren. Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und kinderleichte Bedienung. Ob Tablet oder Smartphone - iOS oder Android.
+43 664 7322 1804 | View ProfileStötten, Stötten Austria
Chatcloud Enterprise Network Solutions Andreas GrundnerSponsor
Chatcloud Enterprise Network Solutions Andreas Grundner Icon
Revolutionary software for real-time communication, file exchange for in-house purposes. Read more:
View ProfileSaalfelden, Austria
Merkeleon Crypro ExchangeSponsor
Merkeleon Crypro Exchange Icon
We’re here to make your trading and exchange software better. If you’re planning to make your own cryptocurrency exchange platform, then you definitely should take a look at our products. Merkeleon’s cryptocurrency exchange software is already popular on the market. You won’t be disappointed in any case. Any of your questions will be answered in no time.Merkeleon always stays in touch with its clients. Forget about incompetent and slow support. Our specialists are always ready to pass all the challenges you’ll face on your path. You’ll always know what you’ve paid for and where you’re heading to. Detailed and professional support on all stages from launch to release is the thing you’ll tell your partners about us after your success.
+4372051919 | View ProfilePöttelsdorf, Austria
Vmware NSX T TrainingSponsor
Vmware NSX T Training Icon
NSX-T is the next-generation software-defined networking solution where T stands for “Transformers”. Vmware NSX-T data center helps in building a cloud-native application environment. It simplifies networking, security, automation, and operational process. Software-based virtual networks can be created, deleted, and restores with the help of the Vmware NSX-T data centre. Three different planes - management, control, and data are integrated and implemented by the NSX-T data center.Our NSX-T training course will include topics like Infrastructure, Logical Switching, Logical Routing, Logical Bridging, Security, etc.Complete Customization of NSX-T training’s course content is possible for Individual students and for Corporate. NSX-T online training is available for individuals and for corporate we may arrange classrooms as well. For more information do connect us.
+43-676-5553-3994 | View ProfileWien, Austria
Transportlogy– Kodlogy Technologies GmbHSponsor
Transportlogy– Kodlogy Technologies GmbH Icon
Transportlogy ist unsere leistungsstarke Transport Management Software. Für Kunden (Dokumente und Notizen, Kundenakte, Profil, 24/7Onlineportal), Mitarbeiter (Lenkprotokoll, Fahrtenbuch, Zeiterfassung, TODO Aufgabemanagement), Fuhrpark (GPS-Schnittstelle, Pickerl, Reparatur und Service Termin, Schadenmanagement, Dokumentverwaltung, Verträge, Tankkarten, Kosten und Belege, Statistik), Auftrag, Rechnung, Marketing, Logistik, Spedition und Versand.Transportlogy ermöglicht Ihnen schnelles und effizientes Arbeiten, inkl. Abrechnungen. Damit haben Sie mehr Zeit, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren.
+43 660 222 19 83 | View ProfileWien, Austria
Annata Icon
Annata is a Microsoft GISV (Global Independent Software Vendor) since 2001. We focus on delivering end-to-end information technology solutions for the Automotive, Equipment and Medical Device industries. Annata relies on Microsoft technologies and innovation to accelerate the development of the Annata 365 vertical business solutions on top of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Application Platform. Annata is a global organization based in Iceland with a close engagement and co-operation with Microsoft bringing industry specific solutions to the market. Microsoft has recognized Annata as an “Inner Circle” member, a status extended to the top 1% Microsoft Dynamics partners worldwide.
+43 660 3406000 | View ProfileSalzburg, Austria
Immediate EdgeSponsor
Immediate Edge Icon
Immediate Edge applies advanced HFT trading techniques to bet on BTC volatility. These include scalping, which involves using high leverage to generate huge profits from slight price movements. Our trading system conducts all trading automatically and at an extremely high win rate.We are the first AI-driven system for exclusive BTC volatility trading. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backbone of any worthwhile auto-trading system. The Immediate Edge trading system also capitalizes on blockchain and smart contracts for a seamless and transparent trading environment.Immediate Edge is free, easy to use and safe for all. We may introduce a registration fee in future for all new accounts. Take advantage of the free-license by signing up now. We ensure users safety through military-grade encryption measures. Moreover, we fully adhere to the GDPR data privacy law.
View ProfileWien, Austria
Yuan Pay GroupSponsor
Yuan Pay Group Icon
Yuan Pay Group wendet fortschrittliche HFT-Handelstechniken an, um auf die BTC-Volatilität zu wetten. Dazu gehört das Scalping, bei dem eine hohe Hebelwirkung eingesetzt wird, um aus leichten Kursbewegungen enorme Gewinne zu erzielen. Unser Handelssystem führt den gesamten Handel automatisch und mit einer extrem hohen Gewinnrate durch. Wir sind das erste KI-gesteuerte System für den exklusiven BTC-Volatilitätshandel. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist das Rückgrat jedes lohnenden Autohandelssystems. Das Yuan Pay Group-Handelssystem nutzt auch Blockchain- und Smart Contracts für eine nahtlose und transparente Handelsumgebung. Yuan Pay Group ist kostenlos, einfach zu bedienen und für alle sicher. Wir können in Zukunft eine Registrierungsgebühr für alle neuen Konten einführen. Nutzen Sie die kostenlose Lizenz, indem Sie sich jetzt anmelden. Wir gewährleisten die Sicherheit der Benutzer durch militärische Verschlüsselungsmaßnahmen. Darüber hinaus halten wir uns vollumfänglich an das GDP-Datenschutzgesetz.
+4317133828 | View ProfileWien, Austria
Bitcoin CodeSponsor
Bitcoin Code Icon
Bitcoin System ist ein vollautomatischer Handelsroboter, der für den Handel mit Kryptowährungen mithilfe ausgeklügelter Handelsalgorithmen entwickelt wurde. Die Bitcoin System-App wurde unter Verwendung der fortschrittlichsten Programmiertechnologien einschließlich künstlicher Intelligenz und maschineller Lerntechnologien erstellt, um große Datenmengen auf dem Kryptowährungsmarkt zu scannen. Die Bitcoin-Systemsoftware wurde mit der fortschrittlichsten Programmierung erstellt, die die Handelswelt je gesehen hat. Die Software liegt 0,01 Sekunden vor den Märkten. Und wenn Sie etwas über den Handel wissen, wissen Sie, dass dies eine große Sache ist. Dieser ''Zeitsprung'' macht die Software zur beständigsten Handels-App der Welt und hat eine Reihe von Auszeichnungen erhalten. Die jüngste Auszeichnung, die wir erhalten durften, ist die Nr. 1 in der Kategorie Handelssoftware für die Global Trading Association.
43316231400 | View ProfileGraz, Austria
CFD TraderSponsor
CFD Trader Icon
CFD Trader applies advanced HFT trading techniques to bet on BTC volatility. These include scalping, which involves using high leverage to generate huge profits from slight price movements. Our trading system conducts all trading automatically and at an extremely high win rate. We are the first AI-driven system for exclusive BTC volatility trading. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the backbone of any worthwhile auto-trading system. The CFD Trader trading system also capitalizes on blockchain and smart contracts for a seamless and transparent trading environment. CFD Trader is free, easy to use and safe for all. We may introduce a registration fee in future for all new accounts. Take advantage of the free-license by signing up now. We ensure users safety through military-grade encryption measures. Moreover, we fully adhere to the GDPR data privacy law.
+4312266046 | View ProfileWien, Austria
TextUnited Icon
A technology-first approach to localization, with professional translators in the loop.Texunited provides a cloud-based Translation Management System for companies looking to create and maintain multilingual apps, tech docs, and websites, removing the chaos from translation and blending the processes of ordering, translation, and delivery into one.
43720884629 | View ProfileVienna, Austria
CaseConverter.toolsSponsor Icon
Effortlessly convert text to lowercase, uppercase, title case, and sentence case with our versatile case converter tool. Perfect for capitalizing text or converting to all caps. Try our uppercase to lowercase and capitalize text features now!
+(43) (0463) 261313 | View ProfileKlagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria